Making the Right Choice for Better Care
This Is Dan
Dan could be any of the one in two Americans with an MSK condition. In this hypothetical situation, Dan is 44 years old. He has worked at the Washington County, Wisconsin Department of Public Works since he was 18. He loves his job. He also loves coaching his son’s soccer team and gardening.
At 42, he began experiencing low back pain. Figuring it was just age, he managed it with ibuprofen for two years as the pain increased. He finally threw his back out while working in his yard. After that, he couldn’t garden, struggled to coach, and had to take time off of work.
MSK conditions increase with age but that’s no reason to live with them. Dan waited too long to get the care he needed. He was now faced with two choices.

The Typical Experience
Taking the traditional route to relieving Dan’s pain delays his recovery time and racks up more than $5,000 in medical bills before a referral to physical therapy.
Starting with Physical Therapy
ATI Direct is Dan’s more affordable and faster road to recovery.

Approximately 70-80% of all MSK conditions can be resolved with PT.⁴ An ATI therapist evaluates Dan’s low back pain and recommends a treatment plan specific to his unique condition.

Manual therapy at a nearby ATI clinic and at-home exercises helps Dan get back to full function in a shorter amount of time compared to the typical ER or primary care first approach. If additional medical care is required, Dan’s ATI therapist refers him to the appropriate provider.

By choosing ATI Direct, Dan and his employer save thousands of dollars in potentially unnecessary imaging, injections, prescriptions, and physician visits. He is back to work, back in his yard, and back at the soccer field with his son sooner.
One Injury: Two Paths
With ATI Direct, Dan and his employer save time and money.